We Care
Welcome to The Al Hudaar Foundation (Lenasia).
As Salaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatulaahi wa Barakaatuhu
• Have YOU Heard about Al Hudaa Foundation’s New Monthly Debit Order Donation?
• It’s safe and convenient
• Once-off sign up
• Securely done through Netcash
• Debit orders from minimum R300/month or whatever amount you wish donate
Speak to us to learn more or to sign up for a debit order.
• Aslam Ismail +27828564436
• Sikander Ismail +27836269295
• Raabiah Ismail +27716766232
• Hawa Ismail +27737338480
• Apa Nafiza +27834306301
Should you require, Al Hudaa Foundation will Issue you with a 18A Certificate for your Tax Deductions with your donations to our organisation.
Al Hudaar Foundation, PBO No.: 930035038 , REG. No.: 1999/014231/08 Incorporated under Section 21 , NPO number 246-365 06/07/2020).
For EFT Donations, Al Hudaar Foundation, Account Number 1940088291, Nedbank Trade Route Mall Lenasia, Branch Code 194037
Visit us: 11086 Trisula Crescent, Extension 13, Lenasia, Johannesburg, South Africa, 1827
We Care. The goal is to create better futures for generations to come. Starting now.
Respected Brothers and Sisters
Al Hudaa Foundation is actively seeking generous sponsorships to build our new massive project, Al
Hudaa Village which will bring Education and Islamic Knowledge to the Bronkorstfontein, Vaal area, it
is only through understanding each other that we can live peacefully. Apart from the unimaginable
Jannah ROI on your Sadaqah Jariyah investment, it comes a continuous legacy of Generations to
come who will be able to gain education and training for a better future.
We hereby request your Urgent Help towards constructing Al Hudaa Village, which will be made up of
- A Masjid for 200 mussallees with a separate ladies section;
- An Orphanage with School & Madressah,
- Play Area;
- A complete Girls Darul Uloom and a
- Communal Kitchen and Dining Hall to feed the entire
village 3 times a day.
We are counting on your Donation to this Project:
Banking Details: Al Hudaar Foundation NPC (Building)
Nedbank Account Number : 1283448823, Branch Code : 198765
Branch Name : SBS TRANSACTIONAL (3951), Account Type: Current Account
Swift Code : NEDSZAJJ, Reference : Building + Cellphone number
Send proof of payment for Section 18A Certificate to alhudaarfoundation@gmail.com
We look forward to your involvement in our project, now and in the future.
May ALLAH Aza wa Jal accept all your efforts. Ameen. Fi’ Amanillah.
How it began
The founders identified a need for charitable services within the area and it was with this in mind they formed the non-profit organisation known as The Al Hudaar Foundation.
As a non-profit organisation, with no start-up capital to start various fund raising activities were held until enough money was raised to purchase land upon which moderately sized madressah was built.
The premises served as a community center assisting the needy with food hampers, blankets in winter and various other charitable services. Currently, this centre is home to some 20 orphans cum destitute children. The centre also provides a weekly feeding scheme for the poor and needy.
What We At Al Hudaar Foundation Do..
Al Hudaar Foundation runs a Free Maktab Madressah, Masjid and Orphanage in Lenasia.
The Premises also serves as a base for various Community Charity Services, Humanitarian Projects, Empowerment Projects, Weekly Dhikar, Spiritual and Other Counseling and so much more.
Al Hudaar Foundation also runs Al Hudaar Girl’s Darul Uloom,
Al Hudaar Orange Farm Masjid and Community Services as well as
Al Hudaar Organisation and Orphanage in Maxixe, Mozambique.
We are an established N.P.O, whose credibility can be gauged through the eyes of the community as well as our community services that have been established over the years.
Al Hudaar Foundation has been running successfully for 22 years since 1999.
Our services include:
- Marriage Counselling
- Drug Abuse, Domestic Violence, Counselling
- Spiritual Counselling
- Career Advice
- Girl’s Darul Uloom
- Soup Kitchens
- Ramadaan Hampers
- Haleem Distribution during Ramadaan
- Building Projects
- Dhikr and Awrad
- Masjids for daily prayers an Itikaaf
- Makhtab Madressah for Children with Free Transport
- Adult Madressah Classes
- Fund Raising for Special Causes
- Humanitarian Services
- And more.
The Al Hudaar Foundation continues to serve as a community empowerment project.
Al Hudaar Timeline – Past, Present and Future (click to download)
The Al Hudaar Foundation
Orphanage Est. 2010
The ever-increasing demand to house homeless children who have lost their parents, along with a need to care for abused children in the community served as the inspiration for the Al Hudaar Orphanage.
The Foundation has established a Masjid on the Orphanage premises, as well as a Masjid developed in 2017 in the Orange Farm Area where 5 daily prayers as well as Itikaaf and Adult Madressah Classes take place.
Girls Darul Uloom
The Al Hudaar Girls Darul Uloom was established in 2015 as a new project and has since been providing quality Islamic education aimed at empowering our graduates. We offer 5 year Aalimah Courses as well as life skills, a comfortable home with three meals, snacks, live and care. Our first 6 Aalimahs graduated in 2020, 4 of which are teaching in Venda, whilst the 2 sisters from Angola now have their own Madressah.
There is always a need for education and the Al Hudaar Foundation strives to satisfy that need. It provides a full range of Islamic Education for both children and adults of all ages.
Upcoming and Recent Projects
Meet Our Team
Apa Nafiza
Sikander Ismail
Raabiah Ismail
Sustainability Projects
Al Hudaar is grateful and in need of the help of all our sponsors. 2020, presented challenges for fundraising events and collections.Our Goal For The Future
Looking towards the future, we have created Sustainability Projects which, when completed will help towards funding our continuous needs in a more self-sustainable way.
We are currently working on two projects and will add more in the future as the financial needs for our survival and progress requires.
The two projects currently in need of your generous sponsorships in cash, kind or services, in order to help are become self-sustainable, are as follows:
Borehole and Bottled Water Sustainability Project
Alhamdulilah, Awqaf Foundation has sponsored the Borehole for us. We are now Selling AH Pure Water which is filtered by Reverse Osmosis. In order to make this project more efficient and thus more profitable, we will require Bottling Equipment, Packing Equipment, Labeling Equipment as well as lables aand bottles which are a continuous cost. The more the bottling, labeling and packig is automated, the lower the cost becomes and the more production and sales we can make. This project also helps us cut the costs of our water needs for The Al Hudaar Orphanage, Madressah and Masjid which are on the same property as well as our Orange Farm Madressah and Darul Uloom also in Lenasia extension 13.
Rental Apartments Sustainability Project
Alhamdulilah, Land was donated on which we wish to build shops and rental apartments which can generate continuous revenue towards our existing, ongoing and new planned projects.
In order to do so, we would require the help of generous sponsors to funding planning, development, building and other related costs required to bring this project to fruition.

Jordan Blanket Distribution
Thank you to all who participated and generously donated towards this Humanitarian Project.
Cape Town Water Distribution

Ramadaan Haleem Distribution & Hampers
Haleem is Distributed at Al Hudaar Foundation for anyone to enjoy from 3pm onwards every Saturday.
Hampers are sourced through donations and sponsors and are thereafter distributed to those in need.

Weekly Soup Kitchens
We provide meals and bread to the community every Thursday. People queue as early as 7am in anticipation. The demand for basic human needs has always been great, and with the job and life losses resulting from Covid-19, this need has grown exponentially.
Every Saturday during Ramadaan, we offer Haleem to the community. Collections start at 3pm.
We also provide hot meals to seniors in need, three times a week. There is a great need to increase the capacity for this service, however we are currently capped to caring for just 30 seniors due to affordability. Anyone willing to sponsor towards this project or any of our other projects are welcome to contact us.